Letter from J. N. to his Brother, November 12, 1833
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Letter from J. N. to his Brother, November 12, 1833
Letters; Schools; Cold weather conditions; Planets; Space telescopes; Astronomy
Josiah writes to his brother about identity and how he is becoming more comfortable as he ages. He mentions the schools in his area as well as the creation of a new schoolhouse. The weather has been very cold. Josiah has been using a telescope and remarks on the placement of planets.
Noyes, Josiah
Loose, The College of Wooster, Special Collections, Noyes Collection
Council on Library and Information Resources Hidden Special Collections Grant
eng (English)
Text Item Type Metadata
Needham Nov, 12th 1833
Dear Brother
Your last communication of date July 30, mailed [?city?] Rd, was duly received
on the 14th of Aug and on its perusal was found to contain its usual share of interes
ting matter. Whatever you may have thought of my delay in answering it the only a
pology I have to offer is an entire occupation of all my time and if i had ten more
minds and bodies I could find ample work for all. But a portion of time shall be
appropriated, if it can be, to the entertainment of a distant brother in whose wel-
fare I have always felt a deep interest, whose happiness I had almost identified with
my own, whole sincerest affection I have always most cheerfully reciprocated,
whom in early life I always considered, notwithstanding a disparity in our ages,
my regular playmate, constant companion, perfect equal, and acknowledged brother.
Indeed, on a review of our part life, it seems that more complete harmony and clo-
ser union rarely if ever subsisted between the members of the family. I do not rec-
ollect a circumstance that interrupted this pleasing harmony. The affection that
[illegible] always subsisted does not seem to be the result of effort, but a deep rooted abiding
[Note: page ripped, missing bottom part of page]
Dec. 13 A Meet to large, with the lines^ and words so thick, you will hardly expect me to fill at one sitting.
Indeed, Sir, I can rarely have more than time enough at once to fill a common sheet
and after commencing [u]this[/u] business called me away and I have hardly had the
command of anytime since. This morning, though I have resolved to appropriate
a portion of time to the pen, I do not feel at liberty as I could wish: for I shall be ab-
liged to ride soon to visit the rich and, per secundam artem medici, afford them, if possi-
ble, relief. During the fall I have been very busy: but at this time the number of cases
under treatment is somewhat less, But always I have enough to do, even though
the number of patients is not great, We of the Superintending School Committee
have just recommenced our career of visiting schools; one was examined on monday,
two on tuesday, and three still remain to be examined. I shall say little respecting
the schools of their teachers, as you are unacquainted with all unless you know Rufus
Mills, our P.ell. and last year our Representative int he state legislature, who keeps
the one in our district in the new school house. I still reside where you last saw me
when at home; though people urge me very hard to move to the middle of
the town and erect a house of my own. If I conclude to remain [illegible]
[Note: page ripped, missing bottom part of page]
Well, since writing the last page, I have taken my ride, visited the afflicted and left them,
as I hope, medicine enough not to be molested this cold evening, for it is indeed very cold and
clear our of doors. The bright planet Jupiter is now south in the evening, and I have a fine
view of him and his moons whenever it is clear. With a [u]telescope[/u] I now have he has a consid
erable rise and his satillites are all very beautifully and distinctly seen. By different ar-
rangements of the lenses i calculate I can magnify and thousand times. But I do not or-
dinarily use the highest magnifying power, as his satellites would be scattered too far
from him to be well seen all at the same time. With my largest lens of 6 feet focus
his light is almost painful to the eye, and the moons quite so, and often blinds
me for some time. The appearance and position of Jupiter and Satellites t this time is . . O . .
Their relative position soon varies; in the course of one hour it is often very perceptible, and I
can scarcely see them twice in the same position. I have been making observations upon
the, and the other heavenly bodies for several months. Innumerable fixed stars are
rendered visible which are not so to the naked eye. The moon has the appearance of a [u]globe[/u]
and not a [u]plain surface[/u], as to the eye alone. [u]Mercury[/u] has just passed its conjunction with the
sun and is now evening star, but too near the sun to be seen at present, may be on the 28th
when at its greatest eastern elongation. [u]Venus[/u] is morning star, and nearing the sun. [u]Mars[/u] is
morning star; but two near the sun to be seen and will be [illegible]
[Note: page ripped, missing bottom part of page]
[Note: writing in margin on third page]
in your [--in your--] next sheet, do better then I have
choice pieces of music which I attempt occasionally- J. N.
李约瑟 1833 年 11 月 12 日
您于 7 月 30 日寄往 city Rd 的最后一封信已妥为收到
8 月 14 日,仔细阅读后发现其中包含其通常的有趣内容。不管你怎么想我迟迟没有回答我唯一的道歉就是占用我所有的时间如果我还有十个
[难以辨认] 一直存在似乎不是努力的结果,而是根深蒂固的坚持
12 月 13 日 A 见面会很大,台词厚厚,你很难指望我一口气填满。
米尔斯,我们的 P.ell.去年我们的代表进入州立法机构,他保留
从他身上同时被很好地看到。用我最大的 6 英尺焦距镜头
我有一段时间了。这次木星和卫星的外观和位置是。 .欧。 .
我偶尔尝试的精选音乐 - J. N.
Dear Brother
Your last communication of date July 30, mailed [?city?] Rd, was duly received
on the 14th of Aug and on its perusal was found to contain its usual share of interes
ting matter. Whatever you may have thought of my delay in answering it the only a
pology I have to offer is an entire occupation of all my time and if i had ten more
minds and bodies I could find ample work for all. But a portion of time shall be
appropriated, if it can be, to the entertainment of a distant brother in whose wel-
fare I have always felt a deep interest, whose happiness I had almost identified with
my own, whole sincerest affection I have always most cheerfully reciprocated,
whom in early life I always considered, notwithstanding a disparity in our ages,
my regular playmate, constant companion, perfect equal, and acknowledged brother.
Indeed, on a review of our part life, it seems that more complete harmony and clo-
ser union rarely if ever subsisted between the members of the family. I do not rec-
ollect a circumstance that interrupted this pleasing harmony. The affection that
[illegible] always subsisted does not seem to be the result of effort, but a deep rooted abiding
[Note: page ripped, missing bottom part of page]
Dec. 13 A Meet to large, with the lines^ and words so thick, you will hardly expect me to fill at one sitting.
Indeed, Sir, I can rarely have more than time enough at once to fill a common sheet
and after commencing [u]this[/u] business called me away and I have hardly had the
command of anytime since. This morning, though I have resolved to appropriate
a portion of time to the pen, I do not feel at liberty as I could wish: for I shall be ab-
liged to ride soon to visit the rich and, per secundam artem medici, afford them, if possi-
ble, relief. During the fall I have been very busy: but at this time the number of cases
under treatment is somewhat less, But always I have enough to do, even though
the number of patients is not great, We of the Superintending School Committee
have just recommenced our career of visiting schools; one was examined on monday,
two on tuesday, and three still remain to be examined. I shall say little respecting
the schools of their teachers, as you are unacquainted with all unless you know Rufus
Mills, our P.ell. and last year our Representative int he state legislature, who keeps
the one in our district in the new school house. I still reside where you last saw me
when at home; though people urge me very hard to move to the middle of
the town and erect a house of my own. If I conclude to remain [illegible]
[Note: page ripped, missing bottom part of page]
Well, since writing the last page, I have taken my ride, visited the afflicted and left them,
as I hope, medicine enough not to be molested this cold evening, for it is indeed very cold and
clear our of doors. The bright planet Jupiter is now south in the evening, and I have a fine
view of him and his moons whenever it is clear. With a [u]telescope[/u] I now have he has a consid
erable rise and his satillites are all very beautifully and distinctly seen. By different ar-
rangements of the lenses i calculate I can magnify and thousand times. But I do not or-
dinarily use the highest magnifying power, as his satellites would be scattered too far
from him to be well seen all at the same time. With my largest lens of 6 feet focus
his light is almost painful to the eye, and the moons quite so, and often blinds
me for some time. The appearance and position of Jupiter and Satellites t this time is . . O . .
Their relative position soon varies; in the course of one hour it is often very perceptible, and I
can scarcely see them twice in the same position. I have been making observations upon
the, and the other heavenly bodies for several months. Innumerable fixed stars are
rendered visible which are not so to the naked eye. The moon has the appearance of a [u]globe[/u]
and not a [u]plain surface[/u], as to the eye alone. [u]Mercury[/u] has just passed its conjunction with the
sun and is now evening star, but too near the sun to be seen at present, may be on the 28th
when at its greatest eastern elongation. [u]Venus[/u] is morning star, and nearing the sun. [u]Mars[/u] is
morning star; but two near the sun to be seen and will be [illegible]
[Note: page ripped, missing bottom part of page]
[Note: writing in margin on third page]
in your [--in your--] next sheet, do better then I have
choice pieces of music which I attempt occasionally- J. N.
李约瑟 1833 年 11 月 12 日
您于 7 月 30 日寄往 city Rd 的最后一封信已妥为收到
8 月 14 日,仔细阅读后发现其中包含其通常的有趣内容。不管你怎么想我迟迟没有回答我唯一的道歉就是占用我所有的时间如果我还有十个
[难以辨认] 一直存在似乎不是努力的结果,而是根深蒂固的坚持
12 月 13 日 A 见面会很大,台词厚厚,你很难指望我一口气填满。
米尔斯,我们的 P.ell.去年我们的代表进入州立法机构,他保留
从他身上同时被很好地看到。用我最大的 6 英尺焦距镜头
我有一段时间了。这次木星和卫星的外观和位置是。 .欧。 .
我偶尔尝试的精选音乐 - J. N.
Original Format
Noyes, Josiah, “Letter from J. N. to his Brother, November 12, 1833,” Letters from Harriet Noyes: Missionaries and Women's Education in Nineteenth Century China, accessed March 12, 2025, https://noyesletters.org/items/show/960.