Funeral of Emily Noyes
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Funeral of Emily Noyes
Death; Funeral service; Women college graduates; Christianity; Life
In what appears to be a newspaper clipping, an unknown author writes about the funeral of Emily Noyes. It reads like an obituary, outlining important parts of Emily's life, including the fact she was the first woman to receive a degree from the College of Wooster. Additionally, her devotion to Christianity is highlighted.
Loose, The College of Wooster, Special Collections, Noyes Collection
Council on Library and Information Resources Hidden Special Collections Grant
eng (English)
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Dr. Wishart, Rev. Roney
Conduct Miss Noyes Service
The funeral service for Miss Emily
Noyes was held in the First Pres-
byterian church of Seville, Tuesday
afternoon, conducted by the pastor
Rev. Ernest T. Roney. Rev. William
Dean Noyes, D. D., of Toronto, On-
tario, a graduate of Wooster of the
Class of 1900, a nephew of the de-
ceased, read a Scripture lesson and
spoke for the Noyes family. The
father of the deceased was for forty
years pastor of the Seville church.
a brother and two sisters spent many
years as missionaries in China. [Note: Page torn]
Noyes expressed appreciation f
many kindnesses and courtesie
shown during the years by the
people of the Seville community.
Dr Charles F. Wishart, President
of the College of Wooster, spoke as
representative of the college. Miss
Noyes was the first woman to re-
ceive a degree from the College of
Wooster, graduating with the Class
of 1874. Miss Noyes was born in
1846. Dr. Wishart gave an interest-
ing resume of United States history
during the long life of the deceased.
She was born when James K. Polk
was president, was nineteen years
old when Lincoln was assassinated.
She saw the marvelous development
of civilization during the nineteenth
and twentieth centuries. Miss Noyes
according to Dr. Wishart, was a re-
presentative or symbol, of four lines
of service. First, she stood for co-
education in our colleges, being
among the first women to receive
equal education with men and full
training for Christian service. Sec-
one, she was a symbol of the true
relationship to the manse, as a child
of a minister, trained in the pastor's
home for her work in the world.
Third, she was a representative of
the service of teaching. She found
her place of service in the old
Wadsworth academy and in the
Sunday school where she gave her
talents and knowledge to the ed-
cation of others. Forth, she was a
symbol of the missionary spirit and
activity of the church. She was a
soul-winner and she was most earn-
est in promoting the missionary
spirit in the home church, helping
thus to uphold the workers abroad.
Dr. Wishart expressed the full ap-
preciation which the College of
Wooster has in this first woman
The pastor of the churchh, Rev [Note: Page torn]
T. Roney, gave the story of the life
of Miss Noyes, mentioning her many
activities in the church and com-
munity and he spoke a few minutes
pon "The Joy of the Lord" upon
the text, "Rejoice in the Lord al-
ways, and agoin I say, Rejoice" --
Phil 4:4. It was an address of spir-
itual instruction and comfort, calling
attention to the joy which the
Christian has both in life and in
death and his hope of a blessed im-
mortality. The pastor quoted por-
tions of Tennyson's "In Memoriam."
In the service, solos were sung by
Mrs. Walter Rossell, Prof. E.J.
Miller at the organ. The service was
under direction of R. D. Armstrong.
Conduct Miss Noyes Service
The funeral service for Miss Emily
Noyes was held in the First Pres-
byterian church of Seville, Tuesday
afternoon, conducted by the pastor
Rev. Ernest T. Roney. Rev. William
Dean Noyes, D. D., of Toronto, On-
tario, a graduate of Wooster of the
Class of 1900, a nephew of the de-
ceased, read a Scripture lesson and
spoke for the Noyes family. The
father of the deceased was for forty
years pastor of the Seville church.
a brother and two sisters spent many
years as missionaries in China. [Note: Page torn]
Noyes expressed appreciation f
many kindnesses and courtesie
shown during the years by the
people of the Seville community.
Dr Charles F. Wishart, President
of the College of Wooster, spoke as
representative of the college. Miss
Noyes was the first woman to re-
ceive a degree from the College of
Wooster, graduating with the Class
of 1874. Miss Noyes was born in
1846. Dr. Wishart gave an interest-
ing resume of United States history
during the long life of the deceased.
She was born when James K. Polk
was president, was nineteen years
old when Lincoln was assassinated.
She saw the marvelous development
of civilization during the nineteenth
and twentieth centuries. Miss Noyes
according to Dr. Wishart, was a re-
presentative or symbol, of four lines
of service. First, she stood for co-
education in our colleges, being
among the first women to receive
equal education with men and full
training for Christian service. Sec-
one, she was a symbol of the true
relationship to the manse, as a child
of a minister, trained in the pastor's
home for her work in the world.
Third, she was a representative of
the service of teaching. She found
her place of service in the old
Wadsworth academy and in the
Sunday school where she gave her
talents and knowledge to the ed-
cation of others. Forth, she was a
symbol of the missionary spirit and
activity of the church. She was a
soul-winner and she was most earn-
est in promoting the missionary
spirit in the home church, helping
thus to uphold the workers abroad.
Dr. Wishart expressed the full ap-
preciation which the College of
Wooster has in this first woman
The pastor of the churchh, Rev [Note: Page torn]
T. Roney, gave the story of the life
of Miss Noyes, mentioning her many
activities in the church and com-
munity and he spoke a few minutes
pon "The Joy of the Lord" upon
the text, "Rejoice in the Lord al-
ways, and agoin I say, Rejoice" --
Phil 4:4. It was an address of spir-
itual instruction and comfort, calling
attention to the joy which the
Christian has both in life and in
death and his hope of a blessed im-
mortality. The pastor quoted por-
tions of Tennyson's "In Memoriam."
In the service, solos were sung by
Mrs. Walter Rossell, Prof. E.J.
Miller at the organ. The service was
under direction of R. D. Armstrong.
Original Format
Newspaper clipping
Unknown, “Funeral of Emily Noyes,” Letters from Harriet Noyes: Missionaries and Women's Education in Nineteenth Century China, accessed March 12, 2025,