Section of Letter from Henry


Dublin Core


Section of Letter from Henry


House furnishings; Letters; Fire prevention; Prayer; Infants--Walking


Henry describes the furniture and layout of his house. Richard tells him that when a nearby fire approached their house, it was Willie's prayer that fended it off. Henry notices how Willie has matured.


Noyes, Henry Varnum


The College of Wooster, Special Collections, Noyes Collection, Box #3






Council on Library and Information Resources Hidden Special Collections Grant




eng (English)





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so that the light comes over my
left shoulder-have the square
table that was in the big bed
room in the center - the bagatelle
board on the East side and a
small wardrobe that now has
Chinese books in it against the
doors leading into the large bed-
room permanently closing [?thine?]-
I have put a movable partition
across the Veranda, so that my
part is entirely separated from the
other part - and at pesent part of
my extra furniture is in my part
of the Verandah. The old study
is divided into two parts in a
measure by a screen- My dining
table is in the part next to the
[?t?]all door- the side board against
the East wall or doors. The foreign
small writing desk is in the
Veranda and my Chinese teacher
does his work in the Verandah. Against
the North wall of the room is my
big square Chinese table - and
between that and the dining table
the screen that used to be in
[Note: Page torn] room. So [?I?] am

very comfortable fixed. I expect we
will get the mail from America
to-morrow wish it was here
now to answer-
I am so glad the little
boys had such a good time at
the dear old home- I am sure they
will not forget it. Some of the letters
speak of Richards great faith in Willie
I wonder whether I ever wrote what
he said when that fire burned so
many hours not very far from
us and we though for awhile it
might be necessary to move. We
packed up a good many things-
After it was all over Richard said
"I [u]know what made the fire stop[/u]"
We asked him what - He said
"[u]Willie[/u] prayed"-- It never seemed
to have occurred to him that he
might have prayed himself-
Willie used to think a great
deal of riding in his little carriage + used
to get Amah to wheel him more or less
till Richard was big enough to go on
Shameen. The first night he was going
out Willie said of his own accord,
"Richard can have the carriage now." +
shall always remember how manly the
little fellow looked as they started on the
other side of the canal with baby in
the carriage and Willie [u]walking[/u] by [u]his[/u]
side. I have ^often seen Willie decline things
first as though he did not [Note: Page torn]
at all you would not

[Note: Sideways on page two] after he found out that no onE else wanted their + then you would
uddenly find out that he would like them-- I think he is a dear
little fellow if I am his father
Yours affly -Henry-

Original Format



Noyes, Henry Varnum, “Section of Letter from Henry,” Letters from Harriet Noyes: Missionaries and Women's Education in Nineteenth Century China, accessed March 12, 2025,

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