Section of Letter from Hattie and Electa


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Section of Letter from Hattie and Electa


Anniversaries; Songs; Impersonation; Humor; Drama; Parties


Harriet writes about a fiftieth-anniversary party she and Electa attended. Mr. Fisher sang a song called "Get a wiggle on", with Mr. Henry interjecting. Dr. Niles joked that Elmira College wanted to give out an L.L.D. and that she decided to accept it. MacNamara's Band played, consisting of Drs. Dobsin, Creighton, Fisher, and Boyd. Miss Butler impersonated an old lady, complaining that she wanted to buy some red tape only to discover the Presbyterian Mission had bought it all itself. She said that Paul was not in favor of Union, as he wouldn't even marry. A drama took place centered around South China missionary Mrs. Kunkle and her struggle to manage mission accounts. Electa and Hattie found the party to be the greatest they had ever attended.


Noyes, Harriet Newell; Butler, Electa M.


Loose, The College of Wooster, Special Collections, Noyes Collection




n. d.


Council on Library and Information Resources Hidden Special Collections Grant




eng (English)





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is nice to [?have?] them next door for they are "like minded".
In conclusion, I ished for them all as many good kind friends
to make their fiftieth anniversary happy as I had.
Next they called upon Mr Fisher who came back with a
D.D. - As soon as he arose they all commenced some sort of a
college song. "Get a wiggle on," and sand to lustily that he could
not get in a word, finally Mr Henry said "Let him wiggle a little"
Then he said he did not know exactly what was expected of him
that some one had told him to say something funny. Then
they shouted "You're doing it," which raised a great laugh.
Next Dr. Niles was called upon to explain her L.L.D.
She said Elmira College wanted to affix an L.L.D. to
some one so she had consented to receive it. Miss [?Mass?]
played from time to time on the piano, and the
next thing in order was MacNamara's Band which
was most amusing. Dr Dobsin was Band waster and
[u]Dr[/u] Creighton, [u]Dr[/u] Fisher and Dr Boyd were the Band and
played an accompaniment on invisible instruments to
a rollicking song. Then came Miss Butler.
she wore glasses and a cap, and a white crape
scarf draped around her, and dress in her [?loms lifs?]
to peersonate an [u]old[/u] lady. She looked very nice her
eyes were so bright, and she came in and looked
around and said "Why here are all the boys and
girls, and [u]the boys[/u] look so [u]nice[/u], and [u]trim[/u] and the
girls so [u]pretty[/u], just light a boquet of flowers, and seeing
you all here makes me feel as if I would like to
reminisce, years and [u]years[/u] ago I was young
and not half had looking either, and the boys they knew
somehow they find out such things. Well we used
in those days to have an executive committee, but they didnt
exect much because we didnt any of us need to be exec-u-led
(applause) then she talked about feeding the infant Christians
with the milk of the Gospel and said that now it was
up to them to feed them with meat {this is because of something
that had been said about the old Christians} She said in
three days we could not get many infants to feed but my
comrade just poured the milk down them so that some
people called it a "Gospel stuffing school".

Afterwards she spoke about the red tape which is so much
in evidence now in our Mission work said that when she
had her Bazaar for the Missionary Society she sent everywhere
to buy some red tape, but none could be found, and they
said they had had a supply but the Presbyterian
Mission had bought it all up. This brought down the
house, indeed they [?chured?] her vociferously from time
to time, so that it frightened her, and made her
forget what she wanted to say. Mr Henry said
afterwards he was sorry they did not have an ancore, I wish
they had and then she would perhaps have remembered
more. She wished to say something about the Union
question that Paul was not in favor of union he would
not even unite with a wife etc etc. Every one was
wonderfully amused, and it has been often referred to
since, especially the Presbyterian [^red tape] After this Mrs Boyd
gave a recitation illustrated by Dr Boyd, which was
quite amusing. Then the last was a drama
written by Dr. [?Ross?] which was full of good hits. Ever
since the days when Henry was the treasurer of the
Mission, and managed everything so guilty and
perfectly the Mission has had [u]such a time[/u] with the
accounts, this by way of prelude. The drama was a
Love Scene in South China, Characters, Mission accounts.
Mrs Kunkle {Miss Mitchell, Dr Arhtur Mitchells daughter} South China
Mission. Dr. [?Allyn?] - Mr Myers, Dr Ross - Mr Bucker Mr Henry -
Mr Marshall Mr Howe - Mr Brown, Mr McMillen.
It commenced with the Mission of Dr Allyn talking to her daughter
Mrs Kunkle and explaining to her that she had ^[had] so [u]much[/u]
trouble with her, and for so long, that she really [u]must[/u] get
some one to take care of her, and take her off her hands.
First of all the scene opened with Mrs Kunkle with lead
pencil and ledger, worried to death over the accounts, then
her mother came in with her ultimatum. (Mr mMyers
is the treasurer at Shanghai and it was once proposed
that the accounts he kept by him for all China).

While Dr Allyn was talking a card from Mr Myers
came in. They were rather flustered, and she told her
daughter she [u]must do her best[/u]. Mr Myers {Dr Ross} came
in most pompously, but his courting did not [?prospu?] so
away he went. Next came Mr Bucker (Mr Henry).
Mr Bucker was really appointed to come here, and then
the draft took him somewhere in France. But in the
play Dr Allyn said "[illegible] daughter Mr Bucker has come
and it will be [u]all right[/u]." He came in looking so bright
and happy, and she greeted him [u]rapturously[/u], and they
sat down close together on the sofa and looked blissfully
happy. IHe said "This sofa seems [u]very[/u] large don't you think so."
Presently she called "Mamma," and then he too said
Mamma and asked "Is it all right for me to say it" and
she said "Oh yes, [u]yes[/u] it is [u]just right[/u]." But alas! The course
of true love &c and a little possee of scouts in khakhi
with swords jingling rushed in and marched him
off so was leaving her [u]overwhelmed[/u] with grief.
When it was certain that Mr Bucker could not come
the mission asked for Mr Marshall to come back, and
the men always say Mrs Marshall is such a wonderful
help. I do not know why they have such an idea of her
ability. Well Mr Marshall {Mr Howe} came in -
Dr Allyn had instructed her daughter that she [u]simply[/u]
[u]must[/u] try to [u]please him[/u]. He was most solemn, and
love making went very hard, his sister [u]Miss Marshall[/u] So Mr
Howe departed. Suddenly Mrs Kunkle seemed to go
into hysterics, and when her mother soothed her she
said she had such a dreadful dream she thought
she was married to a [u]woman[/u], It was at one time
suggest to get a woman to help in taking charge
of the Mission accounts. At one time a [?msiless?]
message came from Dr Brown. "What became

of that penny I sent you last month that has
never been accounted for ?" this cursed great
consternation in the camp. Finally Mr McMillan
came in personating Mr Brown when we really do
expect to come and take charge of the accounts next
month. Mr McMillan seemed completely overcome
with fear desperate, and held him down in the
seat by her daughter by main force with
her hand on his collar. It was all
splendidly acted, and was most entertaining
to us who knew the inside track, perhaps [Note: page damaged]
Bothe Electa [--think--] and I think it was the very
nicest party we ever attended. I never expected
to enjoy my fiftieth anniversary so much. [Note: page damaged]
best of all was that it seemed so heartfelt on
the part of every one. Mrs Boyd even said that
she ^[was glad she] did not go home last year as she would
have missed it. They are on the Pacific
now if they have not already reached
America. This is prayer meeting [illegible]
but Electa and I thought perhaps we
would better stay in though I think she
has now gome out on the verandah
to walk. I wonder if we shall be together
when the 21st of May comes around
again. I hope the year that begins today will be
a happy blessed one for you, with much love from Hattie
[Note: different penmanship from Electa]
I hope this has been a very happy day and
that you may have many happy returns and
that we may see you before the next one comes round
with [u]much[/u] love from Electa

(2) 很高兴和他们做邻居。 总的来说,我帮他们完成了很好的15周年纪念, 他们和我一样开心。 其次他们请先生来发言。 他一来,我们就开唱歌。 他大声歌唱Get a wiggle on 最后,Henry先生说:让他扭一扭。 之后,他说他不知道他期待着什么, 有些人对他说一些很好玩的事情。 然后躲他喊“你正在做”,让我们哄堂大笑。 其次,Niles医生被叫去给她解释L.L.D(法学博士)。 她说Elmira学院想要给一些同学附上LLD 所以她需要合同来获取。 一个年轻女人「Mass」一遍又一遍地弹琴, 下一步就是最棒的MacNamara乐队。 Dobsin医生是乐队的浪费者, Creighton、Fisher和Boyd医生在乐队演奏伴奏部分 他们演绎摇滚乐。 然后是Butler小姐, 她戴了一副眼镜和一顶帽子,围了一条白色围巾, 穿了一条裙子像一个老女人。 她看起来很漂亮, 她的眼睛很亮,她过来环顾四周 并且说:为什么一圈都是男孩子和女孩子, 而且他们看起来很好看,女孩子们看打理得很好看, 就像一束花一样, 看到你们让我找到了很美好的回忆: 几年前,我还年轻, 和你们看起来一点也不像, 而且男生们知道什么。 我们那几天有一个领导这, 但是他们没有团结一致 然后她说到给婴儿耶稣喝福音牛奶 还说随他们的意思给他吃肉, (这是因为老基督徒说了什么) / 她说这几天我们无法得到很多婴儿 但是我的同事倒了很多牛奶 以至于一些人说学校是个“满是福音的学校”。 (3) 之后她说了一些关于红色限制的很多 这是我们传教工作中的一部分 当她去为传教士组织义卖的时候, 她已经去买了红色像带,但是一个也找不到了, 然后他们说他们有供应,但是长老组织已经全部买走了。 所有人都哈哈大笑, 确实他们不停叫喊着, 以至于可以恐吓她, 让她忘了该说什么。 Henry先生说在那之后,他很抱歉他们没有再演一次 我希望他们有,而且她会记得更多。 她希望说一些关于联合的 Paul不感兴趣的联合问题, 他甚至不想和他的妻子团聚,等等。 大家都觉得很好笑,也经常被提及, 特别是长老(红色像带)。 Boyd太太给了一个被Boyd医生证明过的背诵之后,是很好玩的。 最后是Ross医生写的戏剧, 被所有的好充斥着。 Henry对我们传教士组织的会计, 把所有事情都处理得很好。 传教组织有很好的时间预算, 是个很好的开始。 在中国南方这是个很好的情景,人物、组织财务。这是Ross医生的戏剧: 中国南方组织有:Kunkle太太、Mitchell小姐、Arhtur医生和Michell的女儿 Allyn医生、Myers先生、Ross医生、Bucker先生、Henry先生 Marshall先生、Howe先生、Brown先生、McMillen先生。 从Allyn医生的组织和她的女儿Kunkle太太谈话开始 并且解释了她们有很多麻烦事, 持续很长时间了,以至于她必须请一些人去照顾她, 从她那接手。 首先,这一幕被Kunckle太太和她的铅笔还有账本开启了, 担心死账本了, 最后她妈妈来给她下了最后通牒。 Myers先生是上海的会计, 而且我们决定他来做中国所有的记账工作。 注 Red tape(红色像带) 官方限制的级别 (4) 当Allyn医生说话的时候,一张来自Myers先生的卡进来了。 他们很慌张,她告诉她女儿 叫她女儿一定要做到最好。 Myers先生最傲慢地进来了,但是他追她,但是被拒绝。 下一个进来的Bucker先生, Bucker先生很准时地到, 并且派他去法国的一个地方。 但是在戏里,Allyn医生说:【字迹模糊】女儿、Bucker先生来了就好。“ 他进来看起来很精神很高兴, 她跟他兴高采烈地打了招呼, 他们坐在沙发上看起来非常地幸福。 他说:“你不觉得沙发很大吗?” 现在她叫“妈妈”。然后他也说“妈妈” 并问道:“我可以这么叫吗?” 她说:“哦,可以、可以,这就对了。” 但是哎呀! 这是真爱的,有一点太突然, 就像一把剑冲过来刺向他 所以离开她一会儿。 当确定Bucker先生不能过来叫Marshall回去的时候, / 那些男人总说Marshall太太很好,很乐于助人。 我不知道为什么他们这么想。 当Marshall先生和Howe先生进来时—— Allyn医生指教她女儿必须让他开心。 他是最严肃的,很难在他这里得到爱, 他的姐姐Marshall小姐、Howe先生离开了。 突然Kunkle太太开始狂笑, 当她母亲去安抚她的时候 她说她做了一个很坏的梦, 她认为她嫁给了一个女人, 这暗示着找一个女人来负责组织的账本。 同时,一条来自Brown先生的消息来了。 “上个月没有入账的一便士去哪了?” (5) / / 这个组织给营地带来了很大恐慌。 最后,McMillan来了伪装成Brown先生, 当我们期待过来并且下个月来管理账本。 McMillan先生看起来完全被吓坏了, 并且让他坐在女儿的旁边 迫使她把手放在他的领子上。 / 那是一场壮观的表演,而且对我们来说最有趣的 知道情况的人会喜欢,也许……【注:页面损毁】 Electa和我认为 那是我们去过最好的聚会。 我从未想过我的50周年过得这么快乐。【注:页面损毁】 最好的,应该是所有人的真诚。 Boyed太太甚至说过 她很高兴去年没有回家,因为回了家就会错过它。 如果他们没有到达美国的话 他们在太平洋。 这是个祈祷者的会 但是Electa和我认为我们最后待在那, 我认为她在院里散步。 / 我想知道我们是否会在5月21日团聚。 / 我希望今天过得很快乐, Hattie送去慢慢的爱。 【注:由Electa书写】 我希望今天过得愉快 给你留下很美好的回忆 我们可能在下一封信来之前见到你 爱你的Electa

Original Format



Noyes, Harriet Newell; Butler, Electa M., “Section of Letter from Hattie and Electa,” Letters from Harriet Noyes: Missionaries and Women's Education in Nineteenth Century China, accessed July 27, 2024,

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